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Cheap Ridgid R963 18-Volt X3 5-Piece Kit Sale

Ridgid R963 18-Volt X3 5-Piece Kit

Ridgid R963 18-Volt X3 5-Piece Kit

  • Hammer Drill Driver:Compact size and lightweight design for extended use
  • Circular Saw:Robust motor delivers the fastest cutting speed in its class
  • Impact Driver:1,450 inch-to-pounds of torque for faster driving and fastening applications
  • Reciprocating Saw:Tool-free blade change makes changing blades quick and easy
  • Work Light:Standard fluorescent bulb makes it easier to find a replacement when needed

Ridgid R963 18-Volt X3 5-Piece Kit
Includes 1/2-in Hammer Drill - ZRR861150, Reciprocating Saw - ZRR864, Circular Saw - ZRR865, Impact Driver - ZRR86230, Work Light - ZRR869, (2) 18V Batteries, Charger, Auxiliary Handle Assembly, Reciprocating Saw Blade, Circular Saw Blade, Operator's Manual, Heavy-Duty Contractor Bag

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