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Save On Hitachi KC18DX9L 18-Volt Lithium-Ion 9-Tool Combo Kit Online Store

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Hitachi KC18DX9L 18-Volt Lithium-Ion 9-Tool Combo Kit Features

  • HXP lithium-ion batteries have three times more charge cycles and extended run time at half the weight of NiCd and NiMH batteries
  • Includes nine tools and more than five accessories
  • Hitachi's Universal Charger with proprietary circuitry prevents overload and discharge protection
  • Tools backed by lifetime warranty against possible defects in materials and workmanship
  • HXP batteries backed by two-year warranty against possible defects in materials and workmanship

Hitachi KC18DX9L 18-Volt Lithium-Ion 9-Tool Combo Kit Overview

Includes 18V Cordless HXP Lithium-Ion Impact Driver - WH18DL, 18V Cordless HXP Lithium-Ion 1/2-in Hammer Drill - DV18DL, 18V Cordless HXP Lithium-Ion Reciprocating Saw - CR18DL, 18V Cordless HXP Lithium-Ion 6-1/2-in Circular Saw - C18DL, 18V Cordless HXP Lithium-Ion Angle Grinder Kit - G18DL, 18V Cordless HXP Lithium-Ion Jig Saw - CJ18DL, 18V Cordless HXP Lithium-Ion 5/8-in SDS Plus Rotary Hammer - DH18DL, 18V Cordless Lithium-Ion Blower - RB18DL, 18V Cordless Lithium-Ion Lantern - UB18DL, (2) 3 Ah HXP Lithium-Ion Batteries, Universal Charger, (2) Carrying Bags

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