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you looking for super-cheap Dremel MS400 MultiSaw Attachment?

Best Buy Dremel MS400 MultiSaw Attachment Store

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Dremel MS400 MultiSaw Attachment and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Dremel MS400 MultiSaw Attachment Specification

  • Universal blade holder for optimal versatility
  • Uses U and T shank blades for a variety of applications
  • Features 3/8-inch blade stroke for fast and controllable cutting
  • Cuts materials up to 1-1/2-inch thick with supplied blade for cutting applications large and small
  • 5-year warranty for increased reliability

Dremel MS400 MultiSaw Attachment Overview

The Dremel XPR MultiSaw attachment is designed exclusively for the Dremel 400 Series XPR rotary tool.; Gives users the ability to perform detailed, precision cutting in hard-to-reach areas.; The attachment is balanced and comfortable to hold and its overall compact size makes it ideal for cutting in confined spaces where other saws can't reach.; The Dremel XPR MultiSaw uses standard jigsaw blades to make cuts in tight spaces where a jigsaw can't fit.; It's not a reciprocating saw, but its reciprocating action and overall durability allow it to cut through wood studs.; It's not a scroll saw, but it has a tight turning radius and the dexterity to cut scroll patterns to make decorative objects.; With the ease of using a Dremel rotary tool, the MultiSaw attachment cuts a variety of materials including: hardwood, softwood, plastic, metal, drywall, ceiling tile, and paneling; The MultiSaw's universal blade holder accepts standard "U" and "T" shank jigsaw blades for ease of installation.; It has a 3/8" stroke length and cuts material up to 1 1/2" thick.; It operates at variable speeds from 550 to 3900 SPM.; A pivoting foot provides tool control and stability; and it features visual sight markings to aid in making straight cuts.; Features include: Universal blade holder, light and compact, pivot foot, comfort grip body housing.; Includes: Saw attachment, straight/curved wood-cutting saw blade; [else][endif] [if
  • Universal blade holder for optimal versatility
  • Uses U and T shank blades for a variety of applications
  • Features 3/8-inch blade stroke for fast and controllable cutting
  • Cuts materials up to 1-1/2-inch thick with supplied blade for cutting applications large and small
  • 5-year warranty for increased reliability

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