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Cheap POWER8 Workshop WS1 Full Workshop-in-One with Armored Case Online Shop

you looking for low priced POWER8 Workshop WS1 Full Workshop-in-One with Armored Case?

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells POWER8 Workshop WS1 Full Workshop-in-One with Armored Case and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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POWER8 Workshop WS1 Full Workshop-in-One with Armored Case Features

  • First 18-volt cordless table saw, drill press, and scroll saw in the world
  • More than eight functions: table saw, drill press, scroll saw, circular saw, jigsaw, drill/driver, halogen light, and level
  • Patented POWERhandle with lightweight soft grips and ergonomic form
  • Innovative stainless steel armored case transforms into sturdy workstation
  • Features one-hour charging system

POWER8 Workshop WS1 Full Workshop-in-One with Armored Case Overview

The versatile POWER8 workshop is the world's first cordless workstation that also gives you the option to use each tool as a portable hand-held or a powerful benchtop tool. Ideal for professional tradesmen and DIY enthusiasts, the POWER8 workshop includes an innovative stainless steel armored case that transforms four 18-volt cordless tools into their powerful benchtop equivalents.

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