
postheadericon Hitachi CJ18DL 18 Volt Jig Saw with 1 x 3.0 Amp Hour Li-Ion Batteries, Charger and Case

Best Buy Hitachi CJ18DL 18 Volt Jig Saw with 1 x 3.0 Amp Hour Li-Ion Batteries, Charger and Case Store

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Hitachi CJ18DL 18 Volt Jig Saw with 1 x 3.0 Amp Hour Li-Ion Batteries, Charger and Case Features

  • 4-Mode orbital action for most accurate and efficient cutting in various materials
  • LED light for improved visibility and precise operation
  • Tool-less blade changing system allows for quick and easy replacements
  • Ergonomic D-shaped handle with elastomer grip provides comfort and control while preventing slippage
  • Covered by Hitachi's Lifetime Lithium Ion Tool Warranty

Hitachi CJ18DL 18 Volt Jig Saw with 1 x 3.0 Amp Hour Li-Ion Batteries, Charger and Case Overview

Includes 18V Cordless Jig Saw Kit - CJ18DL, (1) 18V 3.0 Ah Lithium-Ion Post Battery - 326241, (1) No. 41 Jig Saw Blade - 725390, 4mm Hex Bar Wrench - 944458, Chip Cover - 328352, Splinter Guard - 321590, Quick Charger - UC18YRL, Carrying Case - 328351

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