
postheadericon Bosch 1591EVSL 120-Volt Barrel Grip Jigsaw Kit with L-BOXX

Cheap Bosch 1591EVSL 120-Volt Barrel Grip Jigsaw Kit with L-BOXX Online Shop

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Bosch 1591EVSL 120-Volt Barrel Grip Jigsaw Kit with L-BOXX Specification

  • 6.4-Amp barrel grip jigsaw; four-position stroke control; integrated, adjustable blower
  • Variable speed trigger (500-2800 strokes per minute); one-touch blade change
  • Durable hard plastic body; soft grip
  • Includes saw, 3 blades, anti-splitter insert, no-mar overshoe, New L-BOXX2 carrying case
  • 10.8-Pound; 1-Year warranty

Bosch 1591EVSL 120-Volt Barrel Grip Jigsaw Kit with L-BOXX Overview

Includes 120V Barrel Grip Jig Saw - 1591EVSL, (3) Jig Saw Blades, Zero-Clearance Insert - 2 601 016 087, Non-Marring Footplate Overshoe - 2 608 000 309, Dust Collection Kit - JS1005, L-BOXX2 Stackable Case

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