
postheadericon Bare-Tool PORTER-CABLE PC18RS 18-Volt Cordless Reciprocating Saw

Save On Bare-Tool PORTER-CABLE PC18RS 18-Volt Cordless Reciprocating Saw Online Store

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Bare-Tool PORTER-CABLE PC18RS 18-Volt Cordless Reciprocating Saw Specification

  • Batteries and charger sold separately
  • Patented tool-free blade-changing system for fast blade removal and reduced downtime
  • Variable-speed trigger and 3,000 strokes-per-minute cut speed
  • Delivers fast, aggressive cuts in a variety of materials
  • Compact size allows for cutting in tight spaces

Bare-Tool PORTER-CABLE PC18RS 18-Volt Cordless Reciprocating Saw Overview

Includes Tradesman 18V Cordless 7/8-in Reciprocating Saw (Bare Tool) - PC18RS

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