
postheadericon Rockwell RK2803 Compack 18 Volt Professional Cordless Jigsaw

you looking for low-priced Rockwell RK2803 Compack 18 Volt Professional Cordless Jigsaw?

Buy Rockwell RK2803 Compack 18 Volt Professional Cordless Jigsaw Online Store

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Rockwell RK2803 Compack 18 Volt Professional Cordless Jigsaw Specification

  • 4-position orbital cutting action
  • Compack and well balanced design reduces battery size up to 1/2
  • 2X Supercells takes two times as many charges as reqular batteries
  • Compack batteries feature the Free for Life replacement guarantee
  • Complete with battery, charger, 3 blades, wrench and carrying case

Rockwell RK2803 Compack 18 Volt Professional Cordless Jigsaw Overview

The Compack 18V Jigsaw is a versatile saw to manage cutting applications other saws can't do. 4 Orbital blade positions allow for adjustment between fast, rough cuts and controlled, smooth cuts. The durable aluminum base has bevel adjustment. Blade changes are quick and easy and require no tools. [else][endif] [if
  • 4-position orbital cutting action
  • Compack and well balanced design reduces battery size up to 1/2
  • 2X Supercells takes two times as many charges as reqular batteries
  • Compack batteries feature the Free for Life replacement guarantee
  • Complete with battery, charger, 3 blades, wrench and carrying case

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