
postheadericon Festool 490179 S 145/4 FSG TRION Jigsaw Blade, 5 3/4 Inch, 6 TPI, 5-Pack

Save On Festool 490179 S 145/4 FSG TRION Jigsaw Blade, 5 3/4 Inch, 6 TPI, 5-Pack Online

Festool 490179 S 145/4 FSG TRION Jigsaw Blade, 5 3/4 Inch, 6 TPI, 5-Pack

Festool 490179 S 145/4 FSG TRION Jigsaw Blade, 5 3/4 Inch, 6 TPI, 5-Pack

  • Ideal for softwood, hardwood, melamine, veneered plywood, and chipboard.
  • Cross-set teeth for fast cuts, extra thick for perpendicular cuts, saving time on rework.
  • HCS tool steel quality, 5 3/4 inches long, 6 TPI, for perpendicular cuts in materials up to 4 3/4 inches.
  • Universal T-shank design fits most professional jigsaws.
  • Made from high-quality materials in Germany for professional use.

Festool 490179 S 145/4 FSG TRION Jigsaw Blade, 5 3/4 Inch, 6 TPI, 5-Pack
Replacement blades for the Festool PS 300 EQ and PSB 300 EQ Jigsaw. 5-3/4" Jigsaw Blade cross-set teeth for fast cutting. 3-3/8" max. cut thickness, for hard and softwood, veneered plywood and soft plastics. 5 pack.

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